

The physics blog that looks to continually change and challenge your knowledge.

knowledge1 = knowledge0 + Δknowledge

The energy of the mind is the essence of life.


This blog looks at energy transfers that occur in our daily lives. It seeks to understand what energy means and how we use it. Energy as an idea can seem abstract and complex – this blog destructs those notions by defining energy by its practicality and example of various kinds of energies.

Latest Blog Posts

XX – Life’s Roller Coaster

Roller coasters either feel like a hangover or an adrenaline shot, and are without a doubt, one of the more thrilling rides in the world. It has everything needed to be on the New York Times best-seller list: an intro packed with tension; a climax that always smacks you in the face (quite literally, in…

XIX – Nuclear Fizzion

Previously, I discussed the nuclear fusion which occurs within the Sun’s core. Now, we’ll be looking at nuclear fission, and how we humans use it to create low-carbon electrical energy. Nuclear fission is the opposite of what happens during fusion: in the Sun, hydrogen atoms squish together under immense pressure and become a helium atom;…

XVIII – Winded

I was watching second first Mission Impossible the other day and got to the part where there was a high-speed helicopter chase in a wind farm. There was also a lot of sheep for some reason (no sheep were harmed during the making of the film). It got me thinking how much our development in…

June 2024

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